Overview Festival

There are around 25 ethnic gatherings living respectively in Cambodia. In this way, celebrations and ceremonies are additionally ample and different with various highlights. Albeit some of customary traditions are lost and changed, some of conventional celebrations are as yet celebrated.
Outline FestivalThe greatest celebration in Cambodia is Bom Chaul Chnam (praising the effective gather) which is composed from 13 to 15 of April. This is the greatest celebration of Cambodian. In this celebration, individuals meet each other and sprinkle water to each other in the expectation of a superior profitability trim in the following year. This celebration is additionally composed in Laos, Thailand and Myanmar where there are farming development.

Celebration of taking the field is sorted out in 6 of May. Individuals take a dairy animals to be the image of new reap. It is composed in Royal Palace to demonstrate the worry of the King to the general population and harvests.

Bom Dak Ben celebration and Pchoum Ben celebration are praised from 11 to 13 of October. They are sorted out to tribute the pass away. Individuals come to pagoda to ask and demonstrate appreciation to priests. Priests additionally take the occasion for 15 days for not need to panhandler and individuals convey nourishments to the pagoda.

Bonn Prathen is composed in October for the entire 29 days and evenings. This is the greatest celebration of Buddhism in a year. Individuals hold a parade to the pagoda where the priests are holding up in the yellow outfit.

Cambodia resembles other country, they utilize Western timetable. Aside from some celebration of Khmer individuals, they utilize Cambodia date-book as New Year, starting harvest service or marriage offer function. Khmer is not the same as Western schedule in every year. The impedance of culture and individuals influence Cambodia to have a few celebrations like Vietnam's Tet (Lunar New Year) and twofold Five Festival, and so forth. The principle celebration in Cambodia:
seventh of January: Revolution of Cambodia from Khmer Rouge REGIME.
The finish of January and start of February: New Year of Khmer.
13, 14, 15 of April: New Year of Khmer.
13, 14, 15 of May: birthday of King Sihamoni.
19 May: Buddhist celebration
23 May: Royal product asking service
18 June: birthday of Norodom Monineath Sihanouk Queen mother
24 September: National constitution day
28-29-30 of September: Day of demonstrating appreciation to Father
23 October: Paris peace convention singing day.
29 October: day of enthronement of King
31 October: birthday of Father of King Sihanouk
11,12,13th November 2008: Festival of water parade, pontoon hustling.

10 December: Human Rights celebration.