Bonn Chroat Preah Nongkoal Festival

Held in May each year, the feature of this conventional celebration is the Royal Rice Plowing Ceremony. The first of the agrarian celebrations, it proclaims the start of the furrowing season. Set apart by representative suggestions, this is a standout amongst the most well known of the celebrations and occasions at Phnom Penh.

Bonn Chroat Preah Nongkoal Festival

The Royal Plowing Ceremony is generally held in Pisak (in May) toward the begin of the stormy season when Khmer individuals begin planning to do the cultivating.

The custom function is likewise held to appeal to God for a decent reap. Thus, the Royal Plowing Ceremony is held each year.

On the first day of the winding down moon, the Brahmans lead devouring at the five finished overhangs.

The overhangs are set up at five compass focuses: East, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, and Northeast.

After the five days of the Brahmanic devour, the King starts the furrowing to guarantee accomplishment in cultivating for every one of his kin.

On the off chance that the King is missing in the function, he will dole out his delegate to do the obligation.

After the furrowing, two illustrious bulls were headed to the seven plate containing paddy, beans, corn, sesame, water, wine and grass.

The bulls just ate rice, corn, and beans, deserting sesame, water and wine. It is generally trusted that if the bulls drink the wine it might be a harbinger of contention.

The Royal Oxen ate paddy, corn and beans amid the Royal Plowing function. This is a decent sign for corn, rice and beans developing in the nation, said a Royal Brahmin.

In the meantime, the gathering of Brahmans make forecasts utilizing the heavenly dairy animals. These forecasts depend on what the heavenly cows eat.

Seven sorts of sustenance are put before the lord's seat:

Water: drink water, it implies there will be rain

Rice: eat rice, it implies a decent collect for agriculturists in the year ahead

Soybeans: eat soybeans, it implies an abundant gather of soybeans.

Sesame: eat sesame, it implies a plentiful gather of sesame.

Corn: eat corn, it implies a plentiful reap of corn.

Grass: eat grass, it implies sickness will beat the country

Wine: drink wine, it implies the country will endure because of hoodlums, thieves, or alcoholics.